GREP_COLORS – change the colors in the GREP output.
Today we will look at the variable GREP_COLORS. This variable determines the colour that is used with the grep command. You can look at the man page of the grep command to see what the various options …

bash debug – log all executed commands
Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …
Monitor your system with sysusage.
First some information on sysusage: […] Description : SysUsage continuously monitor your systems informations and generate periodical graph reports using rrdtool or javascript jqplot library. …
bash – using the vi mode more effectively.
You can first set the bash mode to vi. This will enable some vim like features to bash. So, add this to .bashrc : set -o vi Once, you have done that then its time to get more out of the vi mode. …
procmail filters – apply to received mails.
If you already have some mail in your maildir and you have set procmail filters, then it is difficult to apply the procmail filter, right? Not so, you just need to go to the Inbox directory and then …
slow ssh connection
If you are experiencing slow ssh connections, then possibly your system is trying to do reverse lookup of the IP address. If that is the case, then you can add the below to “hosts” line in …
poor mans watch, watch for solaris
Here is a simple script that you can use as watch in Solaris as well.
quick bash script for datewise backup of directory
I was working on something and the data was very critical and needed backup. I wrote a bash script to back up the data every 5 hours with cron and bash script. Thought I will share that with you. Here …
Shortcut to run current command with sudo in bash
For me, I mostly forget to add “sudo” to the command until the time I am actually supposed to run it. Also sometimes, on some systems, bash completion does not work as expected with “sudo”. With these …
Array of all possible colors in bash script
Sometime back, we had looked at using colors in bash script and here is a way to create a array of all the colors. #!/bin/bash - …
colors in bash scripts
I have been trying to understand the color codes for bash for a pretty long time, but somehow never got time to understand this clearly. So this time around when I was writing a script to analyze some …
bash prompts — some good links
Here are some pretty good links on the subject. Since there are already so many blog posts, does not make sense to add one more 🙂 http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/c816.html …