fetchmail to get the mails from your imap account
Now, that you have set the RPi to send emails, lets do the next best thing. Setup fetchmail so that we can setup a cron job to run and get us the emails on Raspberry Pi. What can we do with these …
Raspberry Pi automate certain tasks – script example
Now, if you have followed these : fetchmail ssmtp Then you already have a working system for sending and receiving mail. Now, you can set the mda in the fetmailrc to a script which can do few things …
Monitor your system with sysusage.
First some information on sysusage: […] Description : SysUsage continuously monitor your systems informations and generate periodical graph reports using rrdtool or javascript jqplot library. …
Apache server stats with small and useful bash script.
Just copy this script to your web-server cgi-bin directory and enjoy. The script with show the common errors like 404 Error, Internal Server Error and others. It will show the User agent distribution …
sendmail or sending mail
If you want to use sendmail so that you can send all your mails from the local system to your email address, then you have to use sendmail. Now, configuring sendmail has never been that easy and if …
ssh reverse tunning..
If you want to access some local resources like the release website from the remote server when you are connecting to the remoter server using ssh over VPN, then possibly reverse ssh tunnelling is the …

Allow incoming/outgoing ports on iptables
Last couple of years, I just used to disable iptables on my system, this time I decided not to disable it and keep it enabled. So far so good, now comes the tricky part, I have http server enabled on …
phpmyadmin access problem and change server from URL
I was having issues with one of the phpmyadmin setups. The first server defined in the config file was not accessible and the theme that I was using was not allowing me to change the server from the …
Linux hardware details.
Here is one of the scripts that I found on the net while searching for something … Note the URL for the script in the Description.
[Solved] ssh works but scp does not
Image via Wikipedia […] For quite sometime now, I was having this issue, that for the home system, I was able to connect to is using ssh but it never worked. Fnally after quite some debugging …
mysql output to an array for easy parsing.
Today I was looking for some way to put the output of the mysql output in an array in a bash script. Quick google search yeilded to results something like this: […] <td> <div …
install all solaris software from http
If you are behind a firewall and install some software like top or wget then you can not use sunfreeware, and why because ftp is blocked. Now that is not the case any more, you can go the http mirror …