Computer file
GREP_COLORS – change the colors in the GREP output.
Today we will look at the variable GREP_COLORS. This variable determines the colour that is used with the grep command. You can look at the man page of the grep command to see what the various options …
Delete all but some directories
I think, like me, you would have faced a lot of situations, where you wanted to delete all the files or directories in a location, leaving only the required files/directories. So, I have a directory …
cksum – compare for multiple files.
If you have to compare cksum for couple of files, the you know how cumbersome it is. So, I wrote a simple script, wherein you can create a file called cksums in the current directory and copy paste …
vim mappings for multiple files.
If you open multiple files in vim with command line option. Then the only way to move between the files is “:n” and “:N”. There is a easier way to do this. Just add mappings for this in vimrc. Here is …
symlinks -delete all invalid soft links in Linux/Fedora
First of all, install symlinks if it is not installed : sudo yum install symlinks and here is the description: […] and the help for the same: […] symlinks: scan/change symbolic links – …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …

conky script used to monitor server status remotely.
I was looking for something to monitor few details on the server. I thought about quite a lot of applications, some open source and some scripts developed in house. But my requirements were quite …
Backup of files in the directory.
I was working on some scripts and the changes that I was making in the scripts was very dynamic, which I did want to keep backing up in the version control system. But for the peace of my mind, I …
Compare files excluding certain lines.
Quick tip, you can use any expression for the sed commands in the (). With this trick you can redirect the stdout of 2 commands to the diff command. This might become very useful, if you want to …
Cont: Get yourself some more conkyrc files.
Last time we got ourselves some conkyrc files from the ubuntu forums. But that scripts gets the files only from the First page of the thread. Lets extend this further and get the script to get all the …
Script to get yourself some conkyrc files
Continuing from where we left, here is a script that can do all this for you 🙂 curl\&page=$i | sed -n '/\\/pr/ p'| sed '// d'| sed …
Get yourself some conkyrc files.
If you are looking for some nice conkyrc files, then you can head over to : Ubuntu Forums In this thread you can see some very nice conkyrc files with screenshots. You can browse through the thread …