script to get hard disk health in fedora/ubuntu
First, put this in a script. #!/bin/bash #Change as appropriate HDD=sda export sub="SmartCtl data for HDD" echo 'To: <Your Email> Sub: [Cron] $sub MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html …
geary mail – gnome mail client
A new mail client is coming in town. Gnome is working on new mail client called geary. Currently only supports imap accounts. Description: […] Geary is a new email reader for GNOME designed to …
fetchmail to get the mails from your imap account
Now, that you have set the RPi to send emails, lets do the next best thing. Setup fetchmail so that we can setup a cron job to run and get us the emails on Raspberry Pi. What can we do with these …
Raspberry Pi automate certain tasks – script example
Now, if you have followed these : fetchmail ssmtp Then you already have a working system for sending and receiving mail. Now, you can set the mda in the fetmailrc to a script which can do few things …
Home grown mail scheduler with bash script and cron
If you are using Linux (Fedora/Ubuntu or anything else) then you do get a lot of tools and one of them is cron. Very very useful. Just write some script that can do the task for you, put it in cron …

ssmtp configuration and installation – raspberry pi.
To get your email working on your raspberry pi, First thing that you should probably do is to set up outgoing emails from your RPi. The easiest way to do so is with ssmtp. Install ssmtp: sudo apt-get …
procmail filters – apply to received mails.
If you already have some mail in your maildir and you have set procmail filters, then it is difficult to apply the procmail filter, right? Not so, you just need to go to the Inbox directory and then …
sendmail or sending mail
If you want to use sendmail so that you can send all your mails from the local system to your email address, then you have to use sendmail. Now, configuring sendmail has never been that easy and if …
importing outlook pst files in evolution in Fedora 13 ( Goddard)
If you were using outlook and moved to some other <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/e-mail_client" title="Email client" rel="wikipedia" …
email with templates (with variables) from the command line with sendmail or any other MTA.
I was trying to get templates to work on evolution and found that although templates are there in evolution mail client, its not that efficient to use. What I thus wanted was to have something that …
Checking the links to your site (from affiliates) using cron and bash script.
If you have some affiliate links and are concerned about their presence then you can setup <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f80000000045c9c5b" title="Cron" …
Afraid Dynamic DNS client in Fedora with Email indicating the changed to original IP.
If you have your domain in the Dynamic DNS located at : <a href="">Freedns then you know how difficult it is to get the Dynamic DNS client to work with Fedora. …