Configuration file
Multiple entry in .ssh/config file
Here is a link to one post on ssh config file. However, if you want entries for lot of servers with their IPs or names, then it could be cumbersome to add all the entries in the .ssh/config file. So, …
cgroups – use to control your cpu and memory
cgroups is a kernel feature and with userspace utilities, we can use the feature to control the cpu and memory for per process. So, lets first install the required tools. sudo yum install …

ssmtp configuration and installation – raspberry pi.
To get your email working on your raspberry pi, First thing that you should probably do is to set up outgoing emails from your RPi. The easiest way to do so is with ssmtp. Install ssmtp: sudo apt-get …
sendmail or sending mail
If you want to use sendmail so that you can send all your mails from the local system to your email address, then you have to use sendmail. Now, configuring sendmail has never been that easy and if …
dnsmasq not starting from NetworkManager with SELinux enabled.
Some time back I posted on dnsmasq starting from Network Manager and how to setup dnsmasq. Now, couple of days back , I setup dnsmasq in NetworkManager but was astonished to see that there was no …
phpmyadmin access problem and change server from URL
I was having issues with one of the phpmyadmin setups. The first server defined in the config file was not accessible and the theme that I was using was not allowing me to change the server from the …
rpmconf – Tool to handle rpmsave and rpmnew files
Install the utility: sudo yum install rpmconf Description: […] And finally run the utility: sudo rpmconf -a and if there is a conflict or rpmsave or rpmnew file, then you will see something …
configuration for afraid-dyndns on Fedora and other similar distro.
First install afraid-dyndns with the command: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> sudo yum install afraid-dyndns </div> </td> </tr> Now open the …
Afraid Dynamic DNS client in Fedora with Email indicating the changed to original IP.
If you have your domain in the Dynamic DNS located at : <a href="">Freedns then you know how difficult it is to get the Dynamic DNS client to work with Fedora. …
Perl script to create csv files with a pattern – Generic script.
I was having a really bad day and needed a quick solution to create some csv files. And this I needed to do for multiple data kinds and patterns, so I created this small script to do the job for me… …