inotify -watch for file to change
Here is a simple command for you. It uses inotify tools. So first you need to install : sudo yum install inotify-tools and then you can try something like this: while true; do inotifywait -r -e modify …
vim – yank/xopy in different register to paste
Very quick update, to use registers, you can select and then yank in a register to paste using the same register. This could be a convinient way to copy multiple selections and then paste which ever …
Find directory/file with inode number
Couple of days back, I was getting the following error: […] Directory inode 2362521 has an unallocated block #245823. Allocate? […] And this continued for hours together and I was in a …
vim maps – simple commands to do stuff.
Some time back, I was working on some script for logging and I wanted to change the class to function like this: $logger->Debug("Test string"); loggerFunc("Debug", "Test String"); As you can see, …
power save mode for battery in Fedora 19.
I was getting really bad battery life on my Fedora 19 system, and did not find much on how to tune it. Finally I found something that just does not need much configuration but works pretty well. So, …
systemadm – simpler way to manage the service files for systemd
Once the systemd unit and service files have come into being, understanding of the system services have changed a little bit and it might require some time to understand the cli tools for managing …

Your own local search engine.
There are times when you would want to have a local search engine capable of indexing even pdf and doc files. So here is a solution. You can use “Omega” and here are the instructions. download omega …
N900 and skype support
Image by Getty Images via @daylife […] I was trying to add my skype account on the N900 today and could not add the account. I did not find any option to add the same. After some googling and …
Some pictures/photos from Dubai Zoo
Here are some of the pics that I took in Dubai Zoo. The challenge in this was to get the correct Focus to make sure that the bars of the cage in the zoo does not come in the snaps. Putting the camera …

Ultralight DIY distribution
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …
Calender for the month of November – free.
Here is the calendar for the month of November that you can use as wallpaper.
Introduction to the Command Line (Second Edition) — Free Ebook Download
Pretty good book for beginners on command line whether you work on Ubuntu, Fedora, BSD or any other version. […] …