Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Fedora – Ramdisk creation
In Fedora, ramdisks are not created by default as is the case with RHEL. So, if you need to get Ramdisks on Fedora, then you can do this: sudo yum install MAKEDEV This will create some default …
10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring
by Ramesh Natarajan on March 29, 2011 Using sar you can monitor performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, Memory, I/O..) in real time. Using sar, you can also collect all performance data on an …
Fedora Linux – Display information about users currently logged on – whowatch
Here is description of program/utility to display the currently logged in user in a Linux box (tried on Fedora 13 Goddard): […] Whowatch is an interactive console utility that displays …
Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try – Fedora
Rounding out the fall releases from the big cheeses in Linux comes <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/fedora" title="Fedora" rel="homepage" …