
steam on Linux – for Fedora
I was trying to get steam on linux on my Fedora box. Headed over to steam website, but was astonished to find only Ubuntu client over there. A little googling presented me with the developer website …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: http://www.sharms.org/blog/2012/08/using-iterm-2-themes-with-gnome-terminal/ When using this, you will need to install : …

script for changing gnome-terminal color schemes.
Earlier I had posted this. So, if you want to try all of these schemes, then you need not have to copy paste the schemes from the web page, you can try the below script. # function idleToes() { …

procinfo and procinfo-ng : Get system information from /proc.
Install procinfo or procinfo-ng. The procinfo contains three programs : /usr/bin/lsdev /usr/bin/procinfo /usr/bin/socklist and procinfo-ng contains :: /usr/bin/procinfo-ng The description for both of …
tora installation on Fedora 17.
Here are the previous links on Tora: Tora on F16 Tora on Fedora And if you are interested in installing from source then you can always use this link: …
unable to browse windows network with samba4
I use Fedora 17 on my work laptop and thus need to connect to windows share sometimes. After I upgraded to Fedora 17 some time, I was unable to browse the windows network. I would get all kind of …
Upgrade to Fedora 17 from 16.
As usual time in couple of days to upgrade to Fedora 17. Release schedule is for 05/22 and so its just around the corner. So, if you are looking at upgrading using yum, then make sure that you visit …

Tora installation on Fedora 16 with rpm
Last article I talked about tora installation from the sources, but if that is too much for you then you can use this one liner: rpm -ivh "http://amit-agarwal.co.in/mystuff/tora-2.1.3-1.fc16.i686.rpm" …
tora on Fedora 16 for mysql and Oracle.
Sometime back I had posted a article on Tora on Fedora. But that was a while back and things have progressed and we already have Fedora 16 (aka Verne). So, awhile back I installed Tora on my Fedora 16 …
Color disk usage on Fedora
For this tip, you would need to setup the rpm-shere repository. You can get the information here. Once you have done that you need to install the cdu package with the following command: sudo yum …
Interesting repository for Fedora.
Here is one repository that you can add to your Fedora to give it a few more hundred packages:

Consistent ethernet device names in Verne
Fedora now supports consistent device names across the network with bios device names for the ethernet devices. If you upgraded your earlier version of Fedora then you may need to go to root access to …