Use the last command\’s output as input to a command without piping and bind to it to a key sequence in bash.

2010-09-01 1 min read Fedora Linux Uncategorized
Use the last command&#8217;s output as input to a command without piping and bind to it to a key sequence in <a class="zem_slink" title="Bash (Unix shell)" rel="homepage" href="">bash. 1 <td> <div class="bash codecolorer"> &nbsp;<span class="kw3">bind</span> <span class="co3">\'</span><span class="st0">"\\C-h"</span>: <span class="st0">"\\<span class="es5">`fc\\ \\-s\\`</span>"</span><span class="co3">\'</span> </div> </td> </tr> My comment : fc is the fix command of the bash builtin. This is similar to using `!!` or In bash 4.1 it seems you can bind directly to a shell command, but I&#8217;m Continue reading

tee to a file descriptor

2010-08-13 1 min read bash Linux
tee to a file descriptor 1 $ tee >(cat &#8211; >&2) the tee command does fine with file names, but not so much with file descriptors, such as &2. This uses process redirection to tee to the specified descriptor. In the sample output, it’s being used to tee to stderr, which is connected with the terminal, and to wc -l, which is also outputting to the terminal. The result is the output of bash –version followed by the linecount Continue reading

Magic space on the current command line

2010-06-25 1 min read bash Fedora Linux
# For how to set up magic space for Bash see: # – # – man bash 2>/dev/null | less -p &#8217;magic-space&#8217; man bash 2>/dev/null | less -p &#8217;Event Designators&#8217; man bash 2>/dev/null | less -p &#8217;\!#&#8217; # &#8221;The entire <a class="zem_slink" title="Command-line interface" rel="wikipedia" href="">command line typed so far.&#8221; <a href="">Read more :<h6 class="zemanta-related-title" style="font-size: 1em;">Related articles by Zemanta <ul class="zemanta-article-ul"> <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="">How To Trigger Wake On LAN Using The MAC Address (makeuseof. Continue reading

colors in bash -- script to display all the possible colors.

2010-06-06 3 min read bash Fedora Linux
If you wanted to have colors in the bash output (including the colors in PS1-4), don&#8217;t you keep wondering how the color code would look on the terminal. So, I wrote this small script to show the complete color codes. This is how the output would look: And here is the script: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Continue reading

mussh - Multihost SSH wrapper

2010-05-25 1 min read bash Fedora Linux
Description: Mussh is a <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/shell_script" title="Shell script" rel="wikipedia" href="">shell script that allows you to execute a command or script over ssh on multiple hosts with one command. When possible mussh will use <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/ssh-agent" title="Ssh-agent" rel="wikipedia" href="">ssh-agent and RSA/DSA keys to minimize the need to enter your password more than once. It is a utility for <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/system_administrator" title="System administrator" rel="wikipedia" href="">system administrators maintaining more than one hosts. Continue reading
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