Break Free and let firefox remember all the passwords even the ones that are not saved by default


Here we go against one more security policy of most of the sites like Bank and paypal and so on. These sites do not allow Firefox or any other browser to save the password. This is using some tags in …

Search & replace with find & ed


function sr() { declare pattern replacement name usage declare -i pvar=0 rvar=0 tvar=0 usage='usage: sr [-t ] [-n name] [-p pattern] [-r replacement] [– ] [dir1 dir2 …]' # cf. <a …

Fedora 11 ready for deployment.


Couple of days back, Fedora removed the directory for the release 11. But if you were on Fedora 11 Preview then the update automatically moved the version up to Fedora 11. So, update and install of …

Linux Malware – Proof that Linux is not as secure as we all think


<a href="">Linux Malware – Proof that Linux is not as …

gnome-blog — Deskbar applet for blogging


Chanced upon utility called gnome blog. A nifty nice deskbar applet that can be used to post your blogs quickly.<h6 class="zemanta-related-title">Related articles by Zemanta <ul …

vim search multiple files


Searching some pattern in multiple files is something that is required very often. There are multiple ways to do it, like <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" title="Grep" …

Running Nested X server


Today I was trying to do a XDMCP connection to the other server ( which is solaris, not sure if that matters) so I used the Xnest server. and used the following command: […] Xnest :1 -ac -query …

Photo Compositing with the GIMP


Basing from my previous <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/gimp" title="GIMP" rel="homepage" href="">GIMP article titled Creating …

Recursive Regular Expressions


<img src="" alt="Yo dawg, I heard you liked regular expressions, so I put a regex in your regex so you can …

bash – change theme for gtk in gnome and take screenshot from script.


I wrote a blog on bash script to change the icon/cursor theme using a bash script. Lets extend the same concept a little more and use the script to change the gtk theme for gnome and at the same time …

Add a image to the list of background files in gnome


In Gnome, when you right click on the desktop background you will get a menu for &#8221;Change Desktop backgound. The images displayed in this menu are quite a few but if you want to add your own …

unbound variable – bash completion not working and having issues with other stuff like command not found.


I generally use vi/vim for all my practical purposes of working with text files. And I have all the vi/vim plugins required to work with the files. This causes the following to be in the skeleton for …

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