Sleep infinitely in bash


I am sure that you would have got a lot of instances where you have wanted to sleep for infinity and ended up doing this […] 1 2 3 4 while [[ 1 ]] do sleep 3600 done or some other such similar …

Ignore case when completing file names in bash


Sometimes you don’t want to have the bash completion work with case completion. There could be several reasons like one I dont like is the default xdg folders starting with capital letters. So, …

Warn when battery is low


I am very lazy to look at battery status and want to be warned when the battery is low. This means that even if I am away from the laptop, I can be warned that laptop is about to poweroff due to …

Some good find alias.


Here are some interesting alias’s that you may want to add to your bashrc file or where-ever else you add your aliase’s. Very useful if you use find commonly. There are four aliases …

Books menu with bash


If you have a folder full of ebooks in various formats and not necessarily one sigle format and you want to have a quick menu to browse though your collection without requiring to open a File Manager …

Podman repositories on ubuntu like distros


Recently I installed podman on ubuntu based dervative. I like podman a lot but to my distress I found that after installation, I was not able to search or run any containers. Found out that the …

Pygmentize Styles


I have recently started using pygmentize for looking at my code in terminal. A very good and native way to do this is to use pygmentize. If you do not know about pygmentize then […] Highlight …

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