Manage your servers the easy way with perl script over ssh with no remote client.
For a long time I have not posted any script. So, its not that I have not written anything new, but just that did not put them here in lack of time. So, here is one interesting one. The original idea came from one posted in one of the interesting blog here. But the problem with this one was that for every time, it ran in the cron, it would make multiple entries in the “last” output (about 10 or more with my modifications for differentiating between solaris and Linux). This is something which is not quite desirable. Hence I came up with this script which is based on html template and hence the output is also easier to manipulate. BTW, just the below script will not help, you would need to download the template files as well. In the list.txt file, you will have to put the usename, password and the server IP to monitor. The server could be any Linux or Solaris host.
You can get the files from
#!/usr/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the status of servers. #Copyright (C) 2013 Amit Agarwal # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, #Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #=============================================================================== # # FILE: # # USAGE: ./ # # DESCRIPTION: Check the status of servers. # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Amit Agarwal( # ORGANIZATION: Individual # VERSION: 1.0 # CREATED: 05/02/2013 09:27:50 AM #Last modified: Fri May 03, 2013 13:00PM # REVISION: --- #=============================================================================== # # use strict; use warnings; #use Expect; use Net::SSH::Perl; use Data::Dumper; use Net::Ping::External qw(ping); use FindBin; my $debug = 0; my $timeout = 10; my $GREEN = '<font color="#00ff00">'; my $RED = '<font color="#ff0000">'; my $NOC = '</font>'; my $LOAD_WARN = 5.0; my $PROC_WARN = 200; my $DISK_WARN = 75; my $RAM_WARN = 40; my $dir = $FindBin::Bin; my $listfile = "$dir/list.txt"; #print "List file is $listfile n"; # Taken from # but FindBin seems to be better at doing this and hence not used. sub find_currentDir { print "PWD: $ENV{PWD}n"; print "$0: $0n"; my $bin = $0; my $bin_path; $bin =~ s#^./##; # removing leading ./ (if any) # executed from working directory if ( $bin !~ m#^/|../# ) { $bin_path = "$ENV{PWD}/$bin"; } # executed with full path name elsif ( $bin =~ m#^/# ) { $bin_path = $0; } # executed from relative path else { my @bin_path = split m#/#, $bin; my @full_path = split m#/#, $ENV{PWD}; for (@bin_path) { next if $_ eq "."; ( $_ eq ".." ) ? pop @full_path : push @full_path, $_; } $bin_path = join( "/", @full_path ); } print "Script Path: $bin_pathn"; return $bin_path; } ## --- end sub find_currentDir open( FILE, "<$listfile" ); print "Reading the list of servers from list.txtn" if $debug; my @AServerList = <FILE>; my @ServerList = grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } @AServerList; close(FILE); print Dumper @ServerList if $debug; my @cmds = ( 'ruptime=$(uptime); if $(echo $ruptime | egrep -v "day" >/dev/null); then echo $ruptime | sed s/,//g| awk '{ print $3 "(hh:mm)"}' else echo $ruptime | awk '{ print $3 " days " $5 "(HH:MM)"}' fi', q( free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $2"," $3"," $4}' ), #'df -kh | egrep -v "^Filesystem|shm|tmpfs"| awk 'BEGIN{print "<ul>"}{w=sprintf("%d",$6);print " <li>" $5" - "$7 " " $6 "(" $2 ")" $4"/"$3 "</li>"}END{ print "</ul> "}'', 'df -kh | egrep -v "^Filesystem|shm|tmpfs"', 'ps -eaf | egrep -v "^USER|grep|ps" | wc -l', ); use HTML::Template; my $now = localtime; my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$dir/head.tmpl" ); $template->param( date => `date` ); print 'From: Amit-status<> To: Subject: Stuatus of the servers '; print "$now n"; print "Content-Type: text/htmlnn", $template->output; foreach (@ServerList) { print STDERR "Going for $_" if $debug; $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$dir/html.tmpl" ); chomp; ( my $user, my $password, my $host ) = split / /; my $cmd = ""; #ping my $alive = ping( host => "$host" ); if ( !$alive ) { print "Return value from ping is $?n" if $debug; print "Ping failedn" if $debug; $template->param( hostip => $host ); $template->param( pingst => "$RED Failed $NOC" ); print $template->output; next; } else { $template->param( pingst => "$GREEN Ok $NOC" ); } print "Getting details for server $_n" if $debug; print "Using the params for ssh - $hostn" if $debug; $cmd = "ssh $host"; my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new( $host, debug => 0 ) or next; $ssh->login( $user, $password ); #my $read = $exp->exp_before(); #chomp $read; #print "Data receeived n" if $debug; #print Dumper($read) if $debug; #my $out=$exp->send( "ls -lar"); #print Dumper $out if $debug; # my ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("uname"); if ( $read =~ /SunOS/ ) { #$cmds[0]="uptime"; $cmds[1] = q(/usr/sbin/swap -s|sed 's/k / /g'|awk '{ print ($9+$11)"," $2 "," $11 }'); $cmds[2] = 'df -hk -F ufs | egrep -v "^Filesystem|shm"'; print "This is solaris hostn" if $debug; $template->param( osname => "SunOS" ); } else { print "OS is $readn" if $debug; $template->param( osname => "$read" ); } ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("hostname"); chomp $read; $read = substr( $read, 0, 7 ); $template->param( hostname => $read ); $template->param( hostip => $host ); ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("daten"); chomp $read; $template->param( date => $read ); #uptime ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmds[0]|sed 's/,//'n"); chomp $read; print "Executing $cmds[0]n" if $debug; print "Output is -- $readn" if $debug; $template->param( uptime => $read ); # Load averavge $cmd = q(uptime |sed 's/.*average://'|sed 's/,/ /g'|sed 's/^ //g'); ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmdn"); chomp $read; print "Loadavg - Output is --$read--n" if $debug; my @loads = split( / +/, $read ); print Dumper @loads if $debug; if ( $loads[0] >= $LOAD_WARN ) { $template->param( loadavg => "$RED $loads[0]/$loads[1]/$loads[2] (High) $NOCn" ); } else { $template->param( loadavg => "$GREEN $loads[0]/$loads[1]/$loads[2] (Ok) $NOCn" ); } #Running Processes print "Executing $cmds[3]n" if $debug; ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmds[3]n"); chomp $read; if ( $read <= $PROC_WARN ) { $template->param( runningProcs => "$GREEN $read (Ok) $NOC" ); } else { $template->param( runningProcs => "$RED $read (High) $NOC" ); } # Disk usage print "Executing $cmds[2]n" if $debug; ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmds[2]n"); if ( defined $read and $read !~ /^$/ ) { chomp $read; my @disks = split( /n/, $read ); my $disk = ""; foreach (@disks) { my @parts = split / +/; print Dumper @parts if $debug; print "OUTPUT :: $_n" if $debug; $parts[4] =~ s/%//; if ( $parts[4] <= $DISK_WARN ) { $disk = "$diskn<li>$GREEN $parts[5] - Total($parts[1]) - $parts[4]%$NOC</li>"; } else { $disk = "$diskn<li>$RED $parts[5] - Total($parts[1]) - $parts[4]%$NOC</li>"; } } $template->param( diskst => "$disk" ); } # Total users $cmd = q(who |awk '{print $1}'|sort |uniq -c|sort -nr |tr 'n' ',' ); ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmdn"); if ( defined $read and $read !~ /^$/ ) { chomp $read; print "Output for total users - $read- n" if $debug; $template->param( usertot => "$read" ); } #Last log $cmd = q(last|head -5); ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmdn"); print "Output for last - $read- n" if $debug; my $lastst = ""; foreach ( split /n/, $read ) { $lastst = "<li>$_</li>n$lastst"; } $template->param( lastst => "$lastst" ); #RAM Usage print "Executing $cmds[1]n" if $debug; ( $read, $out, $err ) = $ssh->cmd("$cmds[1]n"); if ( defined $read and $read !~ /^$/ ) { my @parts = split( /,/, $read ); my $post = "Kb"; my $pert = $parts[1] / $parts[0] * 100; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++ ) { if ( $parts[$i] > 1024 ) { $parts[$i] /= 1024; $post = "Kb"; } if ( $parts[$i] > 1024 ) { $parts[$i] /= 1024; $post = "Gb"; } $parts[$i] = sprintf( "%.3f %s", $parts[$i], $post ); } print "Total = $parts[0], used =$parts[1], percentage = $pert%n" if $debug; $pert = sprintf( "%.2f", $pert ); print "Total = $parts[0], used =$parts[1], percentage = $pert%n" if $debug; print Dumper @parts if $debug; print "Output for last - $read- n" if $debug; if ( $pert > $RAM_WARN ) { $read = sprintf("$RED Total - $parts[0] - Used - $pert%% $NOCn"); } else { $read = sprintf("$GREEN Total - $parts[0] - Used - $pert%% $NOCn"); } $template->param( ramst => "$read" ); } print $template->output; undef $ssh; } $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$dir/tail.tmpl" ); print $template->output;
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.