Mount and unmount/umount images(iso/img) from nautilus (Fixed not mounting in Fedora)
Get the Nautilus Script <a href="" target="_blank">here. So what is required is that you have the necessary permission to run mount and umount as normal user with sudo command. If you are using gksu or gnomesu then you can change this in the script that you will get. Once you have got the script then you can run the installer for the script that comes in the package.
If you are running this is Fedora then you would need to make one more change other than the ones done by the installer, which is to allow sudo from non tty devices. Since this will be running from the nautilus so the script will not have any tty device and hence you would need to comment the following in the /etc/sudoers file:
so you should change
Defaults requiretty
#Defaults requiretty
Also note that the script add group called moiso and adds the user to this group and then allows this group to run mount and umount command. If you have already allowed the username to run all commands via sudo then you can skip all the steps of the script and directly copy the script moiso and umoiso to the ”~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts” directory and you are done.
If you don’t feel like doing all this work of downloading and installing then you can simply create one temp diretory in directory of choice (lets say /tmp/mount) and create a new file called ”mount_iso” in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts with the content below:
sudo mount ”$1” /tmp/mount
And create umount_iso in the same directory with the below content:
sudo umount /tmp/mount
But I would strongly advise that you use the moiso available at the <a href="">gnome-look link given above.
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.