Search & replace with find & ed
- Image via Wikipedia
function sr() {
declare pattern replacement name usage
declare -i pvar=0 rvar=0 tvar=0
usage='usage: sr [-t ] [-n name] [-p pattern] [-r replacement] [– ] [dir1 dir2 …]'
# cf. <a href="">
while [[ "${1:0:1}" == '-' ]] ; do
[[ "${1}" == '–' ]] && { shift; break; } # – marks end of options
[[ ${#1} -ne 2 ]] && { echo "${usage}"; return 1; }
case "${1:1:1}" in
'n') name="${2}"
shift 2 ;;
'p') pattern="${2}"
shift 2 ;;
'r') replacement="${2}"
shift 2 ;;
't') tvar=1
shift ;;
*) echo "${usage}"
return 1 ;;
if [[ $pvar -eq 0 ]] || [[ $rvar -eq 0 ]]; then
echo 'Both options -p and -r must be specified!'
echo "${usage}"
return 1
while read -d $'' fpath; do
if [[ -z "$(/usr/bin/egrep -I -m1 '^.' "${fpath}")" ]]; then # skip binary files
echo "<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/binary_file" href="" title="Binary file" rel="wikipedia">Binary file: ${fpath}"
if [[ $tvar -eq 0 ]]; then # perform an actual search & replace
cat «-<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/end-of-file" href="" title="End-of-file" rel="wikipedia">EOF | /bin/ed -s "${fpath}"
else # only simulate a search & replace and print the result to stdout
printf "nn33[1m%s33[mnnn" "${fpath}" # print the current <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f8000000000220ffa" href="" title="Path (computing)" rel="wikipedia">file path
# delete all lines that do not contain a <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/pattern_matching" href="" title="Pattern matching" rel="wikipedia">pattern match: v/…
# add a final trailing new line in case all lines got deleted: $a…
# do the matching: g/${pattern}/…
# insert '#: ' at the beginning of each line: g/./s/(…
cat «-EOF | /bin/ed -s "${fpath}"
g/${pattern}/s/${pattern}/$(printf "33[32m${replacement}33[m")/g
g/./s/(.*)/#: 1/g
done < <(/usr/bin/find -x "${@}" -type f -name "*${name}" -not -empty -print0)
man ed | less -p '<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/regular_expression" href="" title="Regular expression" rel="wikipedia">REGULAR EXPRESSIONS'
# test mode
sr -t -p hello -r world -n ".txt" /path/to/dir | less -r
# actual search & replace without previous backup
sr -p hello -r world -n ".txt" /path/to/dir
# backslash-escape the / character
sr -t -p '/usr/local' -r '/opt/local' /path/to/file
<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/uniform_resource_locator" href="" title="Uniform Resource Locator" rel="wikipedia">URL: <a href=""><h6 class="zemanta-related-title">Related articles by Zemanta <ul class="zemanta-article-ul"> <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="">Guide to Regular Expressions in Java (Part 1) ( <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="">Mod and hack the GNome main menu with automated scripts to create a menu of the directory. ( <div class="zemanta-pixie"><a class="zemanta-pixie-a" href="" title="Reblog this post [with Zemanta]"><img class="zemanta-pixie-img" src="" alt="Reblog this post [with Zemanta]" /><span class="zem-script more-related more-info pretty-attribution paragraph-reblog">
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