Disk usage by file type
Trying to find the total usage for each of the file types by extension, then here is a quick bash function for you :
disk_usage_type () { find . -name '*'$1 -ls | awk ' BEGIN{ a[0]="Bytes"; a[1]="KB"; a[2]="MB"; a[3]="GB"; } {sum+=$7; files++;} END{ print "Total sum is ::\t" sum; print "Total files ::\t" files; while (sum > 1024) { sum=sum/1024; count++; }; print sum" "a[count]; }' }
Just define the function in one of your bash startup files. After that to use the function pass in the extension for which you would like to find the total size. Output should be something like below:
Total sum is :: 2586694320
Total files :: 149
2.40905 GB
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.