vim understanding the various modes and using the yanking more efficiently.

2010-04-06 0 words 0 mins read

Image via Wikipedia

We will look at the vim modes today. Sometime back , I was looking at copying a function body. So I was basically looking to copy the lines till matching &#8221;}&#8221;. I found a plugin called <a href="" target="_blank">yankring which would allow me to yank the text in various combinations. So I can copy a function by going to the begining of the function and then &#8221;y}&#8221;. That is very simple to understand right? Wrong!!!

The help mentions that you need to press &#8221;}&#8221; in the operator pending mode. I have been a vim user for quite sometime but did not bother to look at the documentation so thoroughly to understand all the modes, so here is a description of all the modes of vim.

<a class=\"zem_slink freebase/en/vim\" title=\"Vim (text editor)\" rel=\"homepage\" href=\"\">Vim</a> has six <a class=\"zem_slink freebase/en/basic\" title=\"BASIC\" rel=\"wikipedia\" href=\"\">BASIC</a> modes:

<a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode		In <a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode you can enter all the <a class=\"zem_slink freebase/en/normal_mode\" title=\"Normal mode\" rel=\"wikipedia\" href=\"\">normal</a> <a class=\"zem_slink freebase/en/editing\" title=\"Editing\" rel=\"wikipedia\" href=\"\">editor</a>
			commands.  If you start the editor you are in this
			mode (unless you have set the <a href=\"\">\'insertmode\'</a> option,
			see below).  This is also known <a href=\"\">as</a> command mode.

<a href=\"\">Visual</a> mode		This is like <a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode, but the <a href=\"\">movement</a> commands
			extend a highlighted area.  When a non-movement
			command is used, <a href=\"\">it</a> is executed for the highlighted
			area.  See |<a href=\"\">Visual-mode</a>|.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> VISUAL --\" is shown
			at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Select</a> mode		This looks most like the <a href=\"\">MS-Windows</a> selection mode.
			Typing a printable character deletes the selection
			and starts <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.  See |<a href=\"\">Select-mode</a>|.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> SELECT --\" is shown
			at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode		In <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode the text you type is inserted into the
			buffer.  See |<a href=\"\">Insert-mode</a>|.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> INSERT --\" is shown
			at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Command-line</a> mode	In <a href=\"\">Command-line</a> mode (also called <a href=\"\">Cmdline</a> mode) you
<a href=\"\">Cmdline</a> mode		can enter one line of text at the bottom of the
			<a href=\"\">window</a>.  This is for the <a href=\"\">Ex</a> commands, \"<a href=\"\">:</a>\", the <a href=\"\">pattern</a>
			search commands, \"<a href=\"\">?</a>\" and \"<a href=\"\">/</a>\", and the <a href=\"\">filter</a> command,
			\"<a href=\"\">!</a>\".  |<a href=\"\">Cmdline-mode</a>|

<a href=\"\">Ex</a> mode			Like <a href=\"\">Command-line</a> mode, but after entering a command
			you remain in <a href=\"\">Ex</a> mode.  Very limited editing of the
			command line.  |<a href=\"\">Ex-mode</a>|

There are six ADDITIONAL modes.  These are variants of the BASIC modes:

<a href=\"\">Operator-pending</a> mode	This is like <a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode, but after an <a href=\"\">operator</a>
			command has started, and Vim is waiting for a <a href=\"\">{motion}</a>
			to specify the text that the <a href=\"\">operator</a> will work on.

<a href=\"\">Replace</a> mode		<a href=\"\">Replace</a> mode is a special <a href=\"\">case</a> of <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.  You
			can <a href=\"\">do</a> the same things <a href=\"\">as</a> in <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode, but for
			each character you enter, one character of the existing
			text is deleted.  See |<a href=\"\">Replace-mode</a>|.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> REPLACE --\" is
			shown at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

Virtual <a href=\"\">Replace</a> mode	Virtual <a href=\"\">Replace</a> mode is similar to <a href=\"\">Replace</a> mode, but
			instead of file characters you are <a href=\"\">replacing</a> screen
			real estate.  See |<a href=\"\">Virtual-Replace-mode</a>|.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> VREPLACE --\" is
			shown at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Insert</a> <a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode	Entered when <a href=\"\">CTRL-O</a> given in <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.  This is
			like <a href=\"\">Normal</a> mode, but after executing one command Vim
			returns to <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> (insert) --\" is
			shown at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Insert</a> <a href=\"\">Visual</a> mode	Entered when starting a <a href=\"\">Visual</a> selection from <a href=\"\">Insert</a>
			mode, e.g., by using <a href=\"\">CTRL-O</a> and then \"<a href=\"\">v</a>\", \"<a href=\"\">V</a>\" or
			<a href=\"\">CTRL-V</a>.  When the <a href=\"\">Visual</a> selection ends, Vim returns
			to <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> (insert) VISUAL --\"
			is shown at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.

<a href=\"\">Insert</a> <a href=\"\">Select</a> mode	Entered when starting <a href=\"\">Select</a> mode from <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.
			E.g., by dragging the mouse or <a href=\"\"><S-Right></a>.
			When the <a href=\"\">Select</a> mode ends, Vim returns to <a href=\"\">Insert</a> mode.
			If the <a href=\"\">\'showmode\'</a> option is on \"<a href=\"\">--</a> (insert) SELECT --\"
			is shown at the bottom of the <a href=\"\">window</a>.


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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