OpenDNS and Proxies: Putting it All Together on Ubuntu Karmic
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- Image via Wikipedia
I’ve been running <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/ubuntu" title="Ubuntu (operating system)" rel="homepage" href="">Ubuntu as my laptop <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/operating_system" title="Operating system" rel="wikipedia" href="">operating system for quite some time (year or more) and find it to be quite wonderful. However, recently I had some nasty times getting everything to work with OpenDNS.
The easy thing to do is change /etc/<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/resolv_conf" title="Resolv.conf" rel="wikipedia" href="">resolv.conf to contain the OpenDNS entries. However, this was complicated by my use of <a href="">polipo (web cache), <a href="">pdnsd (<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/name_server" title="Name server" rel="wikipedia" href="">DNS cache), and <a href="">resolvconf (a resolv.conf file manager) – not to mention the use of <a href="">ddclient to update the dynamic <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/internet_protocol" title="Internet Protocol" rel="wikipedia" href="">IP on the laptop, and the Gnome <a href="">NetworkManager.
[<a href="">link to original | source: <a href="">UNIX Administratosphere<h6 class="zemanta-related-title">Related articles by Zemanta <ul class="zemanta-article-ul"> <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="">Troubleshoot your DNS ( <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="">Test Out Any DNS Service in Ubuntu Without Router Tweaking [DNS] ( <div class="zemanta-pixie"><a class="zemanta-pixie-a" title="Reblog this post [with Zemanta]" href=""><img class="zemanta-pixie-img" src="" alt="Reblog this post [with Zemanta]" /><span class="zem-script more-related more-info pretty-attribution paragraph-reblog">
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