Yahoo adds Glue to make search more useful
220 words
2 mins read
The article is so good in itself that I need not say anything more than giving the <a href="" target="_blank">link.
Way back in May, I posted technology/blog/2008/may/09/yahootriesglueinindia”>Yahoo tries Glue in India, which said: ”Most big search companies are experimenting with the idea of comprehensive search pages that show lots of different results — text, images, video etc — instead of just text. Google calls it Universal Search. Yahoo’s is Glue, and a beta version has just been launched in India.”
I’m sure that you have been on the edge of your seat, brimming with anticipation, ever since.
Well, you may not have too long to wait. Glue is now available at and TechCrunch says it’s ”rolling out to the US market this evening.” TechCrunch says:
It’s also a little different than the Indian version, and includes a number of resources beyond what India’s version of Glue offers. On a typical query, content from Wikipedia, Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Answers, blog search results (from Google) and YouTube videos are shown.
It has also been reduced to two columns.
However, the system is doomed as it stands. Type in a word for which there is no Glue page and it just says: ”There is no Glue Page for this topic.” D’oh. If Yahoo can’t build Glue pages on the fly, why bother?

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.