
Walk through the flower.


Here&#8217;s one of the photos that I took in last few days of the 2009. I like to call it Walk through the flower. Its a super macro of the inside of flower. <a …

AndreaMosiac.. The way to create a mosaic.


<a href="" target="_blank">Download from here, AndreaMosaic. It us cinoketekt free for personal use and does just what the …

Liquid rescale and remove objects from the images.


Ever wanted to remove some unwanted object from an image. Wonder how many thinkgs you have to do, clone and delete and what not:) There is a simpler way, just paint it in foreground color. Does that …

Generate web thumbnails page (gallery) for free with convert command on linux


Here&#8217;s something for guys who want to generate html file with thumbnails of photos. I know sometimes it really gets messy. So sometime back I had found a search on the net for the same and …

Adding date to Photographs.


This is one of the common things that I want to do when I want to print the photos and its truely boring job to do given the fact that the Date Photo taken is already in the image taken by the Digital …

Annotating the photograph with comments.


There is a nice Linux command called convert. This command can be used in various ways to do image manipulation. One of them is to embark your image with some text. Here is how to do it. **echo …

Copy temporary evolution images downloaded for messages


cd ~/.evolution cd cache cd http find . -name &#8221;*.jpg&#8221; -exec cp {} /tmp/newfolder \; Simple to understand, so no explanation 🙂 <a name="more">

shotwell- Photo organizer for Linux in Gnome


Here is description of shotwell: […] Shotwell is a new <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/open_source" title="Open Source" rel="wikinvest" …

using mypaint of linux continued.


Some more screenshots here: <a href=""><img …

Remove Invalid characters in Filename.


Sometimes I end up having some invalid characters in filename like ? & and so on. So simple bash script to get rid of them: for i in `find . -type f` do echo $i mv $i `echo $i |tr ? _|tr = _ |tr …

Picture Collage Maker 2.0


<a href="">Bookmark this category < !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 TRANSITIONAL//EN"> […] <a …

Photo Resizing


for i in * do mogrify $i -resize 640×480 i done

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