geoip lookup with curl on
$ geoip(){curl -s "${1}" | sed '/^IP:/!d;s/<[^>][^>]*>//g' ;} […] <a href=""><img … is blacklisted.
If you IP is then contact me if you want to access my site in any manner. To check your IP click <a href="" …
Bash completion error — quote_readline.
There is a problem with bash completion with quote_readline that causes the completion to fail. The problem is fixed in the bash completion package but there are still some other programs which are …
Script to get the number of events from the logs.
<a id="aptureLink_4P0PJ73NaG" style="margin: 0pt auto; padding: 0px 6px; text-align: center; display: block;" …
Advanced Sed Substitution Examples
This article is part of the on-going Unix Sed Tips and Tricks series. In our previous sed articles we learned — sed printing, sed deletion, sed substitute , sed file write, and sed multiple commands. …
PuTTY export client display on login for opening X application and terminal.
export DISPLAY=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT |awk '{print $1”:0.0”}’) […] Explanation: SSH_CLIENT contains the IP and the port of the client machine. So we need to export …
Linux Links — collection of universe.. all links on everything about linux
<a href="">LoLL is a sourceforge project which maintains a well commented and categorized list of links on linux. This is a very nice list and …
log analysis with perl and wireshark decode.
Here is something that I had to do in couple of hours to check the logs. The problem was the log file was printing the Received and Sent message in the hex format. I had to verify if the messages were …
Bugzilla Automation with perl — add, update or query any bug in Bugzilla using perl and www series modules for perl.
Today I was trying to do some queries and see if I could create a new bug or update a existing bug in the Bugzilla. The one that I was trying to access was on version 2.0 and not on 3.0. This being …
Prachi – My daughter
<span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;"> <a href="">640×480-dscn0137 Originally uploaded by <a …
bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes
Here’s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂 You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and …
Quick update on speeding up X windows with gnome look.
I have tried various options and now I am trying one more option. The option is to use the LXDE desktop. The LXDE desktop is a lightweight X Desktop. The look and feel are quite similar to the Gnome …