Google staff dropping Windows for Macs, Linux PCs


Google staff dropping <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/microsoft_windows" title="Windows" rel="homepage" href="">Windows …

Key bindings for screen command


Key bindings screen commands consist of a command character (Ctrl-a by default) followed by another character. For many of the commands, you can also specify the character as Ctrl-character–e.g., …

gdialog on F11 – Leonidas


If you are using some old application or want to install some application that was developed quite some time back with GTK GUI, then you may find the application using gdialog. gdialog is no more …

Deleting lines from the text file


Really useful for pretty big <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/computer_file" title="Computer file" rel="wikipedia" …

Google\’s RE2 regular expression library


? <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/google" title="Google" rel="homepage" href="">Google has announced the release of its RE2 library under …

cairo-dock themes on server – download to local machine.


I was trying to get all the cairo-themes locally. One because sometimes the internet connection is slow and second for the fun of it. So I did the first thing that can be done, to search the internet …



I am busy finding a good photo to submit on one of the photography contest. Once I have finalized the Photo, will post the details and the photos here :). Probably tomorrow. Till then so long.

UFRaw – Open open format raw images in Linux.


<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/ufraw" title="UFRaw" rel="homepage" href="">UFRaw is quite an essential program if you are …

vim – get the list of all the scripts available.


To get a list of all the scripts in the project, you can run the following command. This will list all the scripts with the script id. […] wget -O – …

prints line numbers


$ nl others: perl -ne &#8217;print &#8221;$. – $_&#8221;&#8217; $1 grep -n . $1 perl -pe &#8217;print &#8221;$. &#8221;&#8217; $1 cat -n $1 […] <a …

Checking the links to your site (from affiliates) using cron and bash script.


If you have some affiliate links and are concerned about their presence then you can setup <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f80000000045c9c5b" title="Cron" …

Using SSH-keys to connect to a server – Putty,Solaris,Linux


Generating the ssh dsa keys ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa When this command is executed on your local machine, it will ask you for a passphrase and generate a 1024 bit long (-b 1024) public/private dsa …

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