Google Profiles Turn Into OpenIDs
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- Image via CrunchBase
As part of its push to go more social, <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f800000000042acea" title="Google" rel="homepage" href="">Google has been attempting to unify its various account profiles into one Google Profile. And now it’s more useful. Google’s <a href="">Brad Fitzpatrick has just <a href="">tweeted out that Google Profiles can now be used as OpenIDs.
What this means is that you can sign into any site that accepts <a class="zem_slink" title="OpenID Foundation" rel="homepage" href="">OpenID simply by using your Google Profile domain. Luckily, a few months ago Google started allowing these profiles to have <a href="">vanity URLs, like /mgsiegler, instead of the previous /32090329039402903. <a href="">Chris Messina, a huge proponent of the open web movement, has just <a href="">sent out a picture of signing in with OpenID via your Google Profile (below).
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