rpmconf – Tool to handle rpmsave and rpmnew files
Install the utility: sudo yum install rpmconf Description: […] And finally run the utility: sudo rpmconf -a and if there is a conflict or rpmsave or rpmnew file, then you will see something …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …

cream bash ide – vim with bash support
[…] Here you can find the cream editor. This is basically vim editor with lots of customizations thus making it simpler for the users to use the editor directly. This version already has the …
glances – Get a glimpse of the whole system
You would have used top at some point of time. Did you not wish that instead of just the processes it list all the vital statistics of the system as a whole. How good it would be to see the Memory, …
g flag in :s useless in vim
Some time back there was a post on vim_use list about the “/g” flag for the search and replace functionality of the vim. And the response of “Tim Chase” on the same was very elaborate and interesting. …
vim autocomplete – automagically without tab.
Lets first do the setup in one line. Get my vim script downloader. Use the script to add the script with script ID : :1879 (vim-autocomplpop) to your list of plugins for vim and you are done. If you …
bash regular expressions
Here are some quick links on bash regular expressions, pretty good links to bookmark, if you use, regular expressions in bash regularly. I especially like the tldp link at number 3. …
Announcing the release of Fedora 14 and upgrade procedure.
Before you read the release announcement, you can update/upgrade to F14 with : […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> sudo yum upgrade --releasever=14 …
How To Install Ailurus On Fedora
For those who have not yet heard about ailurus: […] <img src="" alt="" width="24" …
String and Array Creation
<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …