
colors in bash – script to display all the possible colors.


If you wanted to have colors in the bash output (including the colors in PS1-4), don’t you keep wondering how the color code would look on the terminal. So, I wrote this small script to show …

redet – build regular expression (regex) for any program.


Even if someone is a regex guru there are times that people get confused with some regular expression and want to either test it out or want to some help. Behold, redet is here. Lets start with …

Modifying the bashrc or bash startup files.


Find the article <a href="">here. Copy here:<div class="entrybody"> If you&#8217;ve been learning the <a …

let a cow tell you your fortune


let a cow tell you your fortune […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> $ fortune | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/cowsay" title="Cowsay" …

Checking the links to your site (from affiliates) using cron and bash script.


If you have some affiliate links and are concerned about their presence then you can setup <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f80000000045c9c5b" title="Cron" …

Pimp your ls


Here are some of the things that you can do with your ls command. First off you can use alias&#8217;s to help you type the most typical ls commands. I will give you some examples: […] alias …

Filename handling with space and newline character.


<a target="_blank" href=""> <a …

Menu driven ssh.


I have quite a lot of servers where I need to ssh at workplace and I generally don&#8217;t remember all of them, so I wrote a simple yet useful script. In all the servers I have already copied my …

Display the history and optionally grep


Ever wondered how good it would be to have a command/function that would display the history or display the history with <a class="zem_slink" title="Grep" …

bash script to change icon theme to check out all the installed themes (personal)


I am really annoyed with the time that is required and the number of clicks that it takes to change the gnome icon theme. So here&#8217;s a small script that I wrote to quickly check out all the …

Get the most favourite commands from commandlinefu


For those of you who don&#8217;t know, commandlinefu should be one place you should watch to learn new things for command line. Everyday a lot of people post commands to better the previously …

Pipe stdout and stderr, etc., to separate commands


$ some_command > >(/bin/cmd_for_stdout) 2> >(/bin/cmd_for_stderr) You can use [n]> combined with >(cmd) to attach the various output file descriptors to be the input of different …

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