sphere related content added.
Added sphere related content plugin to my blog. Pretty good plugin to display related contect on the blogs. If you wish to see related content just press the sphere related content on the bottom of …
Web Thumbnails, create your account to upload your files for free, or send an ecard.
I just have the correct set of tools and the web application for your creativity. You can create your login and use your imagination to create your own eCrads. There’s a lot more things that …
Get you ip address like whatismyip.com
For last couple of days, I was thinking of putting this. I was thinking of some way to get the IP address of the client directly rather than going through some site or parsing the content. So <a …
Personal Page and space.
Now that my other <a href="http://amit.themafia.info/" target="_blank">url is working, I can afford to share some space. If you want to try something on web programming or …
My HomeGrown Free web address with unlimited space for no charge.
I have a broadband connection and have been trying to do this for a while. I wanted to setup a URL that could link to my system at my home at ”no extra cost”. To start with this is …
My Linux book posted on ethicalhackers.in
Today I found out that the Linux book I published sometime back is also linked on the following <a href="http://www.ethicalhackers.in/2008/10/simple-linux-user-guide-amit-agarwal/" …
Add border to images from command line using montage.
Adding a border to the images from command line is quite simple. But if you have couple of images in a directory that you want to add border to then it may become quite painful 🙂 So what is the …
go-oo.org Startup and better integration with MS Products.
Today I found a nice link on the startup speed of Openoffice and better integration with go-oo.org <a href="http://gotsource.blogspot.com/2008/11/openoffice.html" …
Feed URL changed.
This post is to inform all my readers that I will be changing my Feed URL to <a href="http://blog.amit-agarwal.co.in/feed">http://blog.amit-agarwal.co.in/feed/ from …
Create Custom Manufactured By Logo in System Properties
Find the article <a href="http://www.windowhaxor.net/2008/03/26/create-custom-manufactured-by-logo-in-system-properties/">here. Could not resist posting this, just because of the …
Types of DNS records
<span style="font-family: verdana; font-size: x-small;">Type: A – Point subdomain.domain.com to a hard coded IP Address. Most direct and straight forward option, also note any change …
Open-ID integration for login.
I have been thinking about this for quite sometime now. So here it is finally. I have integreted OpenID login for my blogs, what it would basically mean is that you would be able to see the stats for …