IT Trends That Will Boost Global Economic Growth


IT has been known to have a great impact on the global economy and has been linked to marketplace transformation, better standards of living, and international trade, among other things.

Fedora – dnsmasq with NetworkManager


I have been thinking of writing about this for long time but someone else did and it is nice write-up so here is the link –

GREP_COLORS – change the colors in the GREP output.


Today we will look at the variable GREP_COLORS. This variable determines the colour that is used with the grep command. You can look at the man page of the grep command to see what the various options …

How much money flows through IT


Check out this amazing infographic […] Global IT Economics [Infographic]

copy /proc folder


Other day, I was trying to copy the proc folder with following command: tar cvzf /tmp/proc.tgz /proc and I found out that all the files in tar were empty. Strange it may seem but lot of people are …

cool sed/grep magic to convert output to csv format


I generallly keep doing this a lot, so thought will share with you. Lets assume we are capturing free ouput every min/hour/or whatever. The output looks like this: […] Time: Mon Jan 21 23:59:10 …

Gnome with i3 on Fedora 29


I have been thinking of doing this for long time, finally I managed to get this working. Here is what you need to do to get i3 with all other gnome services running. First we will create 2 files, this …

bash function for rpm whatprovides


Sometimes some simple one-liner function can save you a lot of time, like-

wallpaper manager


So, I have been looking for a wallpaper manager with some features like: […] automatically change wallpaper from my directory list […] Get wallpapers from internet […] Possibly …

Directories with maximum number of files


Lot of times, I want to find the directories with maximum number of files and so I wrote this quick function to do exactly the same

Use Linux on your Android mobile/tablet (without root)


Been looking for this for a long time, finally there is some app which allows me to run a linux distro without rooting my gadget. Here is link to website. Check this out, its easy to …

xev – Check the X keyboard events


xev man page […] xev – print contents of X events […] So other day I was checking why my play key was not working and wanted to check if it maps to one of the X default mappings for the …

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