Pygmentize Styles
I have recently started using pygmentize for looking at my code in terminal. A very good and native way to do this is to use pygmentize. If you do not know about pygmentize then […] Highlight …
Blog Updates
Quick update on the blog. I have made some pretty good changes and now this blog should be loading pretty fast. Hope you have a much better experience now :)
Artificial ?
scripting – performance improvement with file open
Sometimes just one line of code can make all the difference. I will show you with example. Here is script with 2 functions. Both are writing some lines of text to a file. First function, “a” I have …
List all the tags for a image on docker hub
Something that you may want to know sometimes and docker cli does not show by default is all the tags for the image on docker hub. Here is example to list all tags fro the centos image curl …
kitty terminal themes
Kitty is a very nice and fast terminal that uses GPU, you can find more information here. For this terminal there are lot of themes available that you can checkout on the kitty themes github page …
unicode characters in urxvt terminal
If you quickly want to type the unicode character in urxvt terminal, then try doing this: Press Shift+Ctrl and then type the number for the unicode. 🙂
using cat with grep – why?
Get the git url of current repo in clipboard
Lot of times, I just want to copy the git url to clipboard. This is so common in my flow of work that I created an alias for it. Here it is:
Script to try various themes from kitty terminal
Here is the script. Very simple yet very useful script.
i3 – show mapped hotkeys
Here is a simple script that can show you the hotkeys bound in ~/.config/i3/config : #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: …
rofi menu with icons
Here is a quick command to show menu (applications) in simplistic windows managers with icons.