cream bash ide – vim with bash support
[…] Here you can find the cream editor. This is basically vim editor with lots of customizations thus making it simpler for the users to use the editor directly. This version already has the …
Google gravity for fun
bash prompts — some good links
Here are some pretty good links on the subject. Since there are already so many blog posts, does not make sense to add one more 🙂 …
Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.
Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and …
15 Linux Bash History Expansion Examples You Should Know
Here is a nice link on BASH History Expansion. There are lot of examples in this page and some of them might be quite useful. But here are my list of favourites: !! This is probably the most used one …
Oracle Select the top 5 queries
Here are one sql script that I found some time back. This will be listing the top 5 SQL queries in Oracle.
Check out all the colors on you X window system.
If you ever wondered what combination of some colors would look like but did not really feel like setting them in your xterm just to check them out. Or if you wanted to know about all the colors on …
glances – Get a glimpse of the whole system
You would have used top at some point of time. Did you not wish that instead of just the processes it list all the vital statistics of the system as a whole. How good it would be to see the Memory, …
xmlwf – Is your xml document well formed?
There is a small nifty utility called xmlwf that can check your xml documents to see if they are well formed. sudo yum install expat Once installed, simply use : xmlwf Need more details, just check …
Get yourself som new themes for vim
Well, you would already have some themes for your vim, by default. And if you did not like them then you would have added some of your own too (downloaded from But, those are something, that …
Using file partially for filenames
There are some commands that take file name and there are some case where you need to give file name. But there are some cases where you want to modify the file before passing it to the command. What …
Tora installation on Fedora 16 with rpm
Last article I talked about tora installation from the sources, but if that is too much for you then you can use this one liner: rpm -ivh "" …