PuTTY alternatives - AlternativeTo.net

2010-07-27 129 words 1 min read

I like PuTTY quite a bit but do not like the fact that it does not have any tab feature. So, if I am working on multiple machines then un-necessarily I will have too many windows open cluttering my desktop. So, here is the result of my quest to find the alternative:
<a href="http://alternativeto.net/desktop/putty/">http://alternativeto.net/desktop/putty/<h6 class="zemanta-related-title" style="font-size: 1em;">Related articles by Zemanta <ul class="zemanta-article-ul"> <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="http://blog.amit-agarwal.co.in/2010/06/05/putty-ssh-without-password/">PuTTY ssh without password (amit-agarwal.co.in) <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010/05/18/kitty-is-win32-native-putty/?zemanta-tracking">KiTTY is Win32-native PuTTY (downloadsquad.com) <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="http://lifehacker.com/5541871/kitty-adds-session-saving-portability-and-more-to-putty">KiTTY Adds Session Saving, Portability, and More to PuTTY [Downloads] (lifehacker.com) <li class="zemanta-article-ul-li"><a href="http://blog.amit-agarwal.co.in/2010/04/11/putty-export-client-display-on-login-for-opening-x-application-and-terminal/">PuTTY export client display on login for opening X application and terminal. (amit-agarwal.co.in) <div class="zemanta-pixie" style="margin-top: 10px; height: 15px;"><a class="zemanta-pixie-a" title="Enhanced by Zemanta" href="http://www.zemanta.com/"><img class="zemanta-pixie-img" style="border: medium none; float: right;" src="http://blog.amit-agarwal.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/zemified_e3.png" alt="Enhanced by Zemanta" /><span class="zem-script more-related pretty-attribution">


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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