remove/replace text/path in config file.
134 words
1 min read
Lot of times I end up changing a particular text in config file to some other text. And when I have to do it for multiple files, all files having the text in multiple places, I end up opening the files in vim and then doing a globlal replace. But this is not efficient so I cam up with some one liners to do this for me. For removing any occurance of text in all files in the directory :
for i in $(grep -l ’text-to-remove’ *) ; do sed ’s@text-to-remove@@’ $i >${i}.new; mv $i{,.bak}; mv $i{.new,}; done
And if you want to replace the text then the same command with little change in sed command:
for i in $(grep -l ’text-to-replace’ *) ; do sed ’s@text-to-replace@new-text@’ $i >${i}.new; mv $i{,.bak}; mv $i{.new,}; done
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.