
mysql output to an array for easy parsing.


 Today I was looking for some way to put the output of the mysql output in an array in a bash script. Quick google search yeilded to results something like this: […] <td> <div …

analyze debug queries output for wordpress


Some time back, my website became too slow and I started getting timeout response for quite a lot of my pages. When I analyzed things, I found the issue was with the DB queries taking a lot of time. …

OpenID for non-SuperUsers


Based on the results of my Unobtrusive <a class="zem_slink" title="OpenID Foundation" rel="homepage" href="">OpenID post, it is quite …

Adding a sub-menu in the wordpress admin menu :)


For the impatient ones, first the code: (in wp-admin folder, open the file menu.php) and locate the code: […] $submenu[&#8217;edit.php&#8217;][10] = array( _x(&#8217;Add …

Using PHP to search a MySQL database and return paged results


<a href=";c_id=25">Using PHP to search a MySQL database and return paged results Link above to the article. I am using this as base to …

Browser or User agent identification with php.


<a href="">Link This is a link to very nice code to identify the browser used by the user. I have put a test program with this <a …

Verify all the paths in the PATH directory


Here is the command to test that all the directories in your path actually exist. […] (<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/internal_field_separator" title="Internal field …

vim – get names of the scripts and the details from the command line


For the below commands either you can set the two variables in bold and then run the scripts or change the following in the commands and run the scripts. If you have html2text installed then you can …

Find out why a program can’t seem to access to a file


$ strace php tias.php -e open,access 2>&1 | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" href="" title="Grep" …

String and Array Creation


<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …

vim search multiple files


Searching some pattern in multiple files is something that is required very often. There are multiple ways to do it, like <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" title="Grep" …

phpMyEdit – Mysql table viewer, editor and php code generator.


As a developer, whenever you want to write the php code to get the data from the MySQL database, sometimes it becomes tiresome and time taking. And what if you had to do it dynamically. Well I have …

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