
Adding dates to your photos.


#!/usr/bin/perl if ($#ARGV < 0 ) { print &#8221;$#ARGV \n&#8221;; print &#8221;Usage $ARGV[0] filename/dir\n&#8221;; exit -1; } @files = `find &#8221;$ARGV[0]&#8221; -iname …

tagging enabled for subscribers on my gallery.


I have enabled tagging of my photos on this blogs image gallery. Do tag the images, when you get time. Also the tags with help others also to seach photos.

Add border to images from command line using montage.


Adding a border to the images from command line is quite simple. But if you have couple of images in a directory that you want to add border to then it may become quite painful 🙂 So what is the …

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