
top - looks better and is more useful with a rc file…


top is a very useful command to find out who is eating up the <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/central_processing_unit" title="Central processing unit" rel="wikipedia" …

Find out why a program can’t seem to access to a file


$ strace php tias.php -e open,access 2>&1 | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" href="" title="Grep" …

String and Array Creation


<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …

vim understanding the various modes and using the yanking more efficiently.


We will look at the vim modes today. Sometime back , I was looking at copying a function body. So I was basically looking to copy the lines till matching &#8221;}&#8221;. I found a plugin …

Search & replace with find & ed


function sr() { declare pattern replacement name usage declare -i pvar=0 rvar=0 tvar=0 usage='usage: sr [-t ] [-n name] [-p pattern] [-r replacement] [– ] [dir1 dir2 …]' # cf. <a …

vim search multiple files


Searching some pattern in multiple files is something that is required very often. There are multiple ways to do it, like <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" title="Grep" …

Recursive Regular Expressions


<img src="" alt="Yo dawg, I heard you liked regular expressions, so I put a regex in your regex so you can …

Linux find command – Find file and directories faster and easier


 This command is very powerfull when used with combination of filters and pipes and RE. I will give some example: […] find . -type f –» List all files find . -type f -exec rm {} …

Perl script to create csv files with a pattern – Generic script.


I was having a really bad day and needed a quick solution to create some csv files. And this I needed to do for multiple data kinds and patterns, so I created this small script to do the job for me… …

Display the output of a command from the first line until the first instance of a regular expression.


| perl -n -e 'print "$_" if 1 … /«a class="zem_slink freebase/en/regular_expression" title="Regular expression" rel="wikipedia" …

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