symlinks -delete all invalid soft links in Linux/Fedora

2012-06-12 190 words 1 min read

First of all, install symlinks if it is not installed :

sudo yum install symlinks

and here is the description:

Description : The symlinks utility performs maintenance on symbolic links.
Symlinks checks for symlink problems, including dangling symlinks
which point to nonexistent files.  Symlinks can also automatically
convert absolute symlinks to relative symlinks.
Install the symlinks package if you need a program for maintaining
symlinks on your system.

and the help for the same:

symlinks: scan/change symbolic links – v1.3 – by Mark Lord

Usage:    symlinks [-cdorstv] dirlist

Flags:    -c == change absolute/messy links to relative
-d == delete dangling links
-o == warn about links across file systems
-r == recurse into subdirs
-s == shorten lengthy links (displayed in output only when -c not specified)
-t == show what would be done by -c
-v == verbose (show all symlinks)

So, if you want to delete all the invalid symlinks in the current directory the just execute:

symlinks -d .
symlinks -d -r .
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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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