Transfer all the google feed URLs to rss2email.
Next step in restoring my settings was to get the working rules and all the blogs into rss2email. I have subscribed to more than 150 blogs. So, adding all of them manually was difficult.
For a time like this, I subscribe to all the blogs using google reader and then add them to rss2email. So I had quickly exported the google feeds list and then had to find a way to extract the URLs for the blog to the rss2email. The command to add a url is r2e add, so I wrote this one line just now to do the task for me.
Hope it helps someone:
for i in $(cat google-reader-subscriptions.xml |grep xmlUrl|sed -e ’s@.*xmlUrl=”\(.*\) .*@\1@’|sed -e ’s/”//’); do r2e add $i; done
Now all I needed to do was to setup procmail again to deliver the messages to my homedir. I already have posted article on procmailrc so that was simple. So all done. Hope this helps someone.
Related Articles:
- 2010/01/01 Simple rss to email service for your feeds on Linux with your/ISP server.
- 2010/05/03 Linux Contractor Fired for Using Firefox/Linux
- 2010/04/07 l-exp listrs – A new look at linux blogs and sites
- 2010/03/25 gnome-blog — Deskbar applet for blogging
- 2010/03/08 Email web statistics from the hosted website using awstats page.

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.