top command with rc to make it more useful and beautiful.

2009-09-17 179 words 1 min read

Just for fun, somedays back I was reading the top command. This command is something that I have been using since long time and have never read the man page so I thought let me do that. And yes, it was worth while to look at that page. I came to know that top supports toprc file and that it can be used to configure the way top looks. So:

Here’s how top looks without the rc file

<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1169" title="top" src="" alt="top" width="656" height="362" />

And here&#8217;s how it looks with the rc file:

<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1170" title="toprc" src="" alt="top with rc" width="656" height="362" />

And here is the ~/.toprc file:

RCfile for &#8221;top with windows&#8221; # shameless braggin&#8217;

Id:a, Mode_altscr=0, Mode_irixps=1, Delay_time=5.000, Curwin=0

Def fieldscur=mfcAbdEgHIursOpQTvyzWjKNLX

winflags=32184, sortindx=10, maxtasks=0

summclr=2, msgsclr=1, headclr=7, taskclr=7

Job fieldscur=ABcefgjlrstuvyzMKNHIWOPQDX

winflags=62777, sortindx=0, maxtasks=0

summclr=6, msgsclr=6, headclr=7, taskclr=6

Mem fieldscur=ANOPQRSTUVbcdefgjlmyzWHIKX

winflags=62777, sortindx=13, maxtasks=0

summclr=5, msgsclr=5, headclr=4, taskclr=5

Usr fieldscur=ABDECGfhijlopqrstuvyzMKNWX

winflags=62777, sortindx=4, maxtasks=0

summclr=3, msgsclr=3, headclr=2, taskclr=3

This is just an example, but you can do much more with the rc file.


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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